A platform for travel inspiration, tips and resources, while bringing the Aesthete ideology to modern life

In order for beauty to be experienced, all senses need to be engaged

Welcome to The Greek Aesthete

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Γειά σου! I am Nancy and welcome to The Greek Aesthete, a platform where I share my travels, photographs, tips, and cultural guides from around the world. Sharing my personal experience of changing my mindset to bringing to contemporary living the ancient Greek Aesthete philosophy of life.

In this platform, you’ll get not only travel inspiration and guidance but you are also able to book me for one on one consultations for your next trip to Greece. We will discuss your ideas, goals, purpose and what experience you want out of your next trip and create a customized itinerary for your needs.

“I think a poor life is lived by any one who doesn’t regularly take time out to stand still and gaze, or to sit and listen, or touch, or smell, or brood, without any further end in mind, simply for the satisfaction gotten from that which is gazed at, listened to, touched, smelled, or brooded upon.” - Clement Greenberg, an art critic and Aesthete