Venice's Hooper's Paradise: Where Sports, Sand, and Expression Meet

Two of my favorite things in one place. The three Ss (sea, sun, sand), and sports. My sports life was hard work and discipline, my beach life was carefree and relaxed, and they were my polar opposites. I never realized I could enjoy both without missing out on either until I moved to Southern California. When I was younger, I used to see pictures of people playing basketball by the beach and I used to think Venice Beach was a basketball heaven ~ the hooper’s paradise. 

My first impression of Venice was how much of a melting pot it was. Also, freedom of expression. Everybody was in their own world, living their own reality, being creative, having fun. There are the 3 Ss, music, sports, skateboarding, art, food, and so on. Accepting everyone and everything. People feeling comfortable in their skin, showcasing their uniqueness fully. The diversity is also inspiring to have this confidence within you and show it off. Many of my friends have come here just to have that experience.

Recently, I participated in a basketball acting campaign and had the opportunity to meet numerous former athletes in the sports and entertainment industries. Many of them told me they played in the Venice Basketball League, so I went to check it out. There were people of all ages, cultures, and races hanging out and watching the games. It was a very detailed setup and you could tell right away there's a lot more to this league than meets the eye. Besides the characteristic names each player gets, and their intros before the game that tell you a little about their career highlights, to all the different brands, non-profit organizations, videography, trash talking throughout the game and making the whole thing even more entertaining, the atmosphere was awesome. It is also something that many people want to be a part of. 

From the Hoopbus being every little kid’s joy and excitement when they see it on the street, to all the amazing individuals that make it possible by giving their talent and time to spend their time with the kids and enthusiasts to spread the love and joy of the sport. Everything that goes into this league is to show how it is always bigger than the sport itself. It will always be bigger than basketball.  It is about the impact you can have on the youth and the inspiration you give to people who want to be in your spot one day and have a chance. 

Actors, professional athletes, content creators, designers, videographers and all kids of artists coming together to contribute and be part of this community. Everyone playing the part to create a beautiful outcome. People doing what they do best, that matches their personality, character and skills, putting it together, showing up us themselves and doing what they do best. And they all contribute their part to be part of this community. Great things happen when like-minded, motivated and ambitious people come together and what is happening in Venice is a prime time example. 

I love everything this stands for. I have had my own fair share of love-hate relationship with basketball with all the season-ending injuries that I went through, but when seeing the bigger picture and perspective I realize that this sports and basketball community is so much bigger than meets the eye and there are so many different avenues one can take to add value to it with your personal experience. 

Venice, the place where the creatives come together, the sports enthusiasts and also the lovers of the ocean. Definitely a must visit in Southern California for a unique experience. This hooper’s paradise, is no secret why it has that title. It feels as if every basketball athlete wants to make it Los Angeles and I feel very grateful for the opportunity I have had in growing in this life to be part of it. The inviteful and open community, the joyful spirit is significant. It is worthy to experience for yourself why this place is so world-widely popular!


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